This application allows you to search files on any local area network. NetworkSearcher 3.7 will make your life simpler. With this program, you will not have to spend many hours just to find one file you haven't used in a long time. This application will search in all the computers connected to the same network in a very fast way. When using this program, you will be able to select where you specifically want to search. You can select to search in Microsoft terminal services, Microsoft windows Network, Web client Network or/and in your computer. NetworkSearcher 3.7 will also allow you to choose either to select the entire file you were searching for or just the text on it in case it was a .doc file. The program has got a really easy and simple user interface, so you will have no problems when trying to use it. It is similar to most search engines on the Internet and it works really fast. Once you've found what you wanted, you will be able to order the results in different groups (for example MP3, or .doc files). Another advantage about this program is that it has not high requirements to use it and the installation is really quick.